Koha at JBMRC

Data migration is the process of transferring data from one system to another. This report details the data migration into Koha, an open-source Integrated Library System (ILS), at the Jadunath Bhavan Museum and Resource Centre, Kolkata.

Project Goals:

  1. To transfer library catalog data from the current ILS to Koha.
  2. To improve the efficiency and functionality of the library’s catalog system.
  3. To ensure the preservation of library catalog data during the migration process.

Project Methodology:

  1. System Selection: Several ILS options were researched and compared. Koha was chosen for its open-source nature, robust features, and strong community support.
  2. Data Extraction: The JBMRC Library was not using any Library management software at that time and all the Bibliographic Data was maintained in simple Excel files.
  3. Data Conversion: The Excel data was converted from xls into mrc format popularly known as MARC21 format using an open-source tool called MarcEdit.
  4. Data Cleanup: The extracted data was reviewed and cleaned to ensure accuracy and completeness before import into Koha.
  5. Merging Multi-copy records: multiple Book items with the same bibliographic data were analyzed and merged into one single record while keeping the items separate, to ensure data standardization.
  6. Data Import: The cleaned data was imported into Koha using the built-in import tools.
  7. Quality Control: The imported data was reviewed and compared to the original data to ensure accuracy and completeness. Any necessary corrections were made.
  8. User Training: Staff was trained on the use of Koha, including catalog maintenance and management.

Project Results:

  1. Successful transfer of library catalog data from the current ILS to Koha.
  2. Improved efficiency and functionality of the library’s catalog system through the use of Koha’s advanced features.
  3. Preservation of library catalog data during the migration process through accurate data extraction and thorough quality control.


The data migration into Koha at JBMRC Library has been successful in achieving the project goals. The transfer of catalog data to a new ILS has improved the efficiency and functionality of the library’s catalog system, and the preservation of catalog data has been ensured. The user training will ensure the contin